Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Something Old, Something New...

...But nothing borrowed or blue!  Maybe another time.  First up is short and sad, like the life it mourns.  My aunt gave birth to premature twins when I was in junior high.  There was a boy and a girl, but only the girl survived.  This poem was part of my mourning process.

Open wounds, broken hearts
Already ending, before it starts
Wracking sobs, crying eyes
A plan to meet quickly dies
Comfort from family and a friend
Another life comes to an end
Would-be belongings being sold
A life story that won't be told
Given a chance, it was taken away
Won't see tomorrow, nor today
Tired loved ones seeking closure
It finally comes, and now it's over.

The next note is much less depressing but not quite happy, either.  It came from all of those witty, sarcastic housewife memes floating around Pinterest.  I wrote it a few weeks ago, so it's not hot off the presses, but it's recent.

"Housewife's Secret to Clean Dishes"

I washed the dishes
with my pain,

And scrubbed the pots
with my rage;

Dried them all
with my disappointment,

And put them away
with my frustration.

It certainly wasn't
the best way to clean...

But wow, was it fast!

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